
Showing posts from May, 2021

EC: Week 15 Review

 The Last Review Part One: I backed up both my Mythology & Folklore and Indian Epics blogs from the previous semester Part Two: After looking over the work I've done and checking the Progress Chart, after completing this EC assignment I will have met the grade (410 pts) I want in this class. Part Three: I am actually a big fan of the game of thrones so the first video that caught my attention was this: Aamcha Game of Thrones . This reminded me a lot of my Native American Music class where we studied the propagation of music across different Native American tribes. This video is just another way of showing how a different culture can be integrated into something as mainstream as the game of thrones theme song.  My favorite graphic I found browsing the announcements was this:  Demons and Lemons (Source: Announcements )

EC Reading Notes - Overview of Mythology

 Crash Course Myth: Overview of Mythology Author: Multiple What is Myth?: Mythology is a culmination of knowledge Myths are very old and there is a possibility of different forms Has been argued and theorized for many years The line between myth and religion is blurry Stories that people have used in a variety of ways over a course of time Most don't have authors and their origins are vague Comes from the Greek word "mythos" A myth has significance and staying power The Hero's Journey and the Monomyth: The identical pattern or structure is shown between myths 3 parts and 17 subparts Usually broken down by part one: separation which is called to adventure or the belly of the whale or even crossing the first threshold Then there's part two: trials and victories of initiation which contains parts such as the road of trials, the meeting with the goddess, the ultimate boon, or even atonement with the father Last, there is part there: the return, where there could be re...