Reading Notes - Part B Beowulf (British and Celtic Unit)


Author: Stafford Riggs

    Part B: Battle with the Dragon

  • It was dark when they got close to the spot then they saw a space among the trees
  • At one side was a burial mound and at the entrance, you could see the dragons hot breath
  • Beowulf drew his earls and gave a great speech
  • Gripping his shield he advanced to meet the dragon
  • Beowulf cried out "come out foil field... pit your strength with me which is the greatest known in all this cold Northland!"
  • There was a deathlike stillness in the night and finally, the dragon rushed from its lair
  • It was ten ells in length with six-inch claws and a head so large that Beowulf marveled for a second
  • The heat from its flame was so hot Beowulf held up is shield
  • The battle was swift as lightning the forest was filled with clamoring from their battle 
  • The heat was so bad Beowulf has to resort to cunning to wear his enemy out and avoid burning to death
  • Trees fail from the earth from a flick of his tail
  • Beowulf sought to find its vulnerable spot he knew every dragon head
  • The dragon seemed the victor and Beowulf spent weakening but only to renew his attack
  • Beowulf's breath came short and stifled and his strong legs shook beneath him  the entirely trees swam before his eyes
    The Dragon's Heat

(Source: A. R. Skelton)


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