Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
For the repeated assignment I decided to read the chapter you wrote on growth and ungrading. I really like the idea of a change in the grading practices we have been using since I have started school. The approach on all feedback and no grades is more or less where I stand with ungrading. I think feedback especially a lot it is more beneficial to the student. Individual feedback helped me a ton last semester with my writing skills, and I was able to witness first hand the benefits of the ungrading teaching style. The what students say section was my favorite part of this reading because the evaluations are coming from students who have likely had to suffer behind the same grading system we have used all our lives. I feel like I have better control over my work and studies when I am required to declare whether or not I did the assignment. Being able to go through a semester with one class where I understand my pass or no pass situation was extremely beneficial to my mental health as well given I was in 19 hrs. There a number of benefits to the ungrading system one of which is my favorite is the reduced stress and I truly do not think there is a downside to this style of teaching.
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