Reading Notes - Myths of the Cherokee Part A
Author: James Mooney
Part A: The Deer and the Rabbit
- The deer began with no horns and had the head of a doe
- The deer was a great runner and the rabbit a great jumper and many animals were curious which could farther
- Eventually, a match was arranged between the two and the prcie was a pair of antlers
- On the day of the match all the animals were there with the antlers marking the starting point
- While everyone admired the antelers the rabbit exclaimed that he did not know this part of the country and decided to take a look through the bushes
- The animals deemed it alright and so the rabbit went
- After a while the rabbit had not returned and so the animals began to suspect him of trickery
- They sent someone to look for him and short after found the rabbit trying to clear a path through thicket where the race was going to occur
- The messneger retunred quietly and told the rest of the animals
- When the rabbit retured they accused him of cheating but he denied it until they went and saw the road was cleared
- The animals agreed a trickster deserved no spot i this race and they decided to give the hrons to the deer
- They admitted the deer was the best runner and he has worn the horns ever since
- They told the rabbit that since he was so fond of cutting bushes he can do that for a living and he continues to this day
The Horn Winner
(Source: Pixabay)
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